Mr. Ramesh Nair
Dear Parent and Student,
Creating a new school is an exciting and challenging experience and Muljibhai Mehta International School provides an amazing opportunity to all those involved with its early years to discover themselves whilst participating in the development of the school.Our Vision Statement provides us with the guide map to our destination and the State of the art infrastructure the shell in which to build it. It is not however the world class dormitories, the excellent sports facilities, the creative arts centre, neither the academic facilities nor even the technological marvels that enable anywhere, anytime learning that will realize our vision. This will come from our leaders, teachers and students working together to create something special that is Muljibhai Mehta International School.
To be part of this creation is a privilege and rarely do students have the opportunity to be both part of the creation and a beneficiary of an educational system. I know from my own experience as a student in a brand new secondary school that it can be one of the most enriching and long lasting learning experiences one can have.
At Muljibhai Mehta International School we have high expectations of our students. The syllabus of Central Board of Secondary Education is a rigorous programme that opens windows of opportunity in the best Universities in India and world wide. It requires students to be actively involved with their own lea ring and encourages them to explore and develop their own particular talents or intelligences so that they can become complete individuals. Success can be found as easily on the sports field & in completing a project as in the class room. This is why we at Muljibhai Mehta International School have chosen CBSE Syllabus.
Learning should be an enjoyable journey and that journey starts at Muljibhai Mehta International School.
We are offering something special and I invite you to come and share it with us.